
Meet Our Sponsors

James V Raguso Sr. Level

Patriot's Level

Patriot's Level

Become a Sponsor


Donations are accepted by way of monetary form. Sponsorship is a monetary exchange that benefits both the investor and the nonprofit in which the monetary gain is being received to support CCLT4Vets, formerly Crazy Cat Lady Therapy for Veterans, or CCLT’s mission and goals.

All sponsorship also offers intangible benefits, such as,


Sponsorship also has tangible benefits varying based on donation level; also known as, deliverables. This includes brand awareness, financial incentives, the reinforcement of a positive reputation, and validation of your dedication to the community and to helping veterans, current servicemembers, members of law enforcement, firefighters, and their families. 

Sponsorship Levels

One-Time Sponsorship Donation: $249 or less


Individual Donor: $250


A Couple Klicks Level: $500 a year


Ruck Up Level: $800 a year


Patriot’s Level: $1,500 a year


Philanthropist Level: $2,000 a year

James V Raguso Sr. Level: $2,500+ a year

This level honors the grandfather of the Founder/President, MarieAnn C. Raguso, who was a U.S. Navy Veteran


Learn what benefits await you as a sponsor, shoot us a text, give us an email, snail mail us, or send us an email!